Congratulations! You are engaged to get married, and you are already planning a spectacular wedding.

Yet, what is a moving, romantic wedding without a solid relationship behind it? You probably have some little things that are bothering you a fair amount about your relationship. There is never a better time than before you are married to make sure you both have the skills and knowledge that you need to make sure that your marriage will last.

Are you interested in relationship coaching with your partner, but not sure how to suggest it? No problem! Having a free consultation with Coach Turner is easy and fun!

Here’s some ways you might suggest having a free consultation to your partner:

  • Hey, honey, I love you and our relationship is the most important thing in the world to me. I heard about an expert in relationships AND marriages that we can talk to for free. Do you have a free half hour in the next few days for us to find out more?
  • Hey, babe, I love you and I am so excited about our wedding and I also want our marriage to last the rest of our lives. It’s easy to love you but marriages can be hard! Do you want to have a free consultation to see how we are doing?
  • Hey, sweetheart, we have put so much planning into our wedding, but what about our relationship and marriage? I found out we can have a free consultation with a relationship coach. Are you in?

Hint: Don’t worry about talking about your “problems” when you make this suggestion! Leave it up to Coach Turner to help you find out where your strengths are as a couple, and where you need more relationship skills and coaching.

Request your free session here!